Week 2:  Water – 3 Litre’s a day

This week, I am focusing on hydration, adding three litre’s of water every single day.  I wanted to investigate hydration prior to changing my eating habits so I can get a clear indication of the changes consistent water will do to my  body. There is a lot of conflicting advice out there on what we should or shouldn’t eat and drink, but I have learned firsthand just how important water can be. According to Australian guidelines, women need  2.1 litre’s and men  2.6 litre’s a day. After my experience completing the 75 Hard program (where I had to drink four litre’s of water daily) and going through radium therapy (where if I didn’t drink 4 litre’s  I would end up with migraines), I have  discovered three litre’s hits the sweet spot for me, especially living in a hot climate.

Over the last few years, I have noticed that when I’m slack and inconsistent with my intake, my energy plummets, I snack more, and my sleep quality suffers. However, when I stay hydrated, my skin looks healthier, my mood is brighter, and I feel more balanced overall. I found that starting my mornings with a litre of water within the first hour or two of waking, definitely helped me replenish what I have  lost overnight and set me up for the rest of the day (it made it easier to consume the amount I needed as well)  To keep myself accountable, I carry a one litre water bottle everywhere I go so I can track my progress. Anything else, tea, coffee, smoothies, is extra and not included in my water total.

I also deal with food allergies, which is part of why I opened my café in the first place, so people like me had a safe place to eat without worry. There are times I conform to social norms and pick something I know my body can’t handle because I don’t want to be seen as “one of them” the annoying customer that can’t eat anything.  It’s a choice I ALWAYS regret later. One of the big reasons I am committed to this 52 week habit challenge is to hold myself accountable and really tune in to what my body needs. Staying hydrated supports my gut health, especially when I am recovering from those bad food choices, and I’m curious to see how proper hydration might also boost my mental clarity and overall cognitive function. After years of brushing aside my allergies, I am determined to show my digestive system and my mind the care they deserve.

To make sure I hit my water goal, I have set phone reminders for noon and 5 p.m.  During 75 Hard, I would finish four litre’s  by 6 p.m. to avoid being up all night, and interestingly enough, I found those late night bathroom trips eased up after a few weeks. Once I committed to drinking more water, I actually noticed I got thirstier, my body finally realised it liked being hydrated!

Close-up of a hand touching a smartphone with a blue case and a pen nearby.

By making three litre’s of water part of my everyday routine, outside of any strict challenge or medical treatment. I am excited to see how it affects my energy levels, digestion, and mental clarity. It is  only week two of my 52 week journey, but I already feel like the commitment has taken hold and I am taking steps toward a healthier me, Here’s to another week of making small consistent habit changes and I am looking forward to investigating how these changes and really gaining an understanding what works and what doesn’t for my body and soul.

Close-up of water being poured into a glass in a restaurant setting.

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